Welcome to Issue #3 of the Flyby Book Club.
Quick Update— I’ve moved the monthly book picks into their own section now. This means if you don’t want to read along and get these "book pick” emails every month, you can unsubscribe just from this section. You’ll still get my book notes at the end of the month. Those are part of the main newsletter.
Right. Back at it. Last month’s book was about the call to entrepreneurship, paired with a bunch of inspiring case studies. Check out the 8-minute-long field report in case you missed it.
This month's book is about the science of serving the market at scale and a NO B.S. shot of entrepreneurship wisdom. It will guide you through the various aspects involved when walking through the entrepreneurship desert and building your product and mindset.
It’s also #1 on my list of Top Three Books for Living an Unconventional Life and a great one to read if you want to learn what it takes to get there. I’ve already read it twice over the years, so this will be reading #3. But that’s the real secret here— Re-reading the books you’ve found invaluable solidifies the learnings and lets you look at things with fresh eyes. As you grow over the years, you can read books you’ve read before and see things from a fresh perspective and gather new insights you might have previously missed. You might have agreed with one part during the first reading, but now that you know better, you might realize that you’ve grown passed certain parts and don’t really agree with them anymore, or perhaps discover something you had overlooked entirely before. Either way, you’ll be able to zoom out and zoom in again as needed and refine your thought process.
This book is an almost 450-page-long brick of entrepreneurship gold, so we can move the finish date to the second week of May (The last one took me a bit longer to write, but we’ll try and catch up with the months later in the year with a shorter book or two).
With about 30 days left, that would make it 15 pages per day. Probably 30 for me if I wanna get the report done on time…yikes!
The third book is …
*drumroll please*