It's wild to observe how much change can happen in one year. A year ago, this publication didn't exist, and I don't think I would have ever considered myself becoming a writer. But here we are... Today, one year later, there are over 50 posts on the website, and I have several writing-based adventures planned for the future. All standing upon the foundation of entrepreneurship, of course.
How about you? Did you perhaps grow in certain areas you might not realize or give yourself credit for? You may or may not have to think hard, but there tends to always be something.
From all the small actions emerge big results. Compounding over time into something worth compounding. Making a start is sometimes the most challenging part.
On that note, is there anything you really wanted to do but haven't started yet? Try taking the dive today and see how it goes.
Then look back at how far you’ve grown at the end of year one. You might just surprise yourself.
It doesn't matter if you think you aren't any good or don't know where to start.
Looking back at some of the first few posts, while I thought they were fine at the time, I would completely re-write most of them now. This is what happens when you grow. You start seeing your own projects from a higher level. The higher level you are currently on after a bunch of practice. In this case, one year of practice.
I can expect this same revelation to occur the next year as well, and the year after that, and so forth. This is how deep creativity is cultivated. Years and Years of practice and refinement. And occasionally looking back on how far you've grown and building upon that.
It's about closing the gap between your vision and where you are currently.
And silencing the inner critic, which might be telling you that you aren't good enough to do whatever it is you want to do.
If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced— Vincent Van Gogh.
Whether picking up a new sport, skill, hobby, passion, business, or anything worth picking up… I like to think of year one as just practice. Year two onwards is where it really starts.
To infinity and beyond.
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